Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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News at St. John's

St. John's is currently without a Vicar, but services are being held with "fill in" priests that we know. Services last 45 minutes to 1 hour. Services do offer Eucharist with the host bread, but not wine due to pandemic restrictions. The offering plate is near the alter. Please bring your offering up when you pick up your wafer. Thank you for your pledges. Offerings by mail can be sent to:

St. John the Baptist Ivy

P.O. Box 351, Ivy, VA 22945


The current minister schedule is as follows:

We are pleased to have Rev. Dr. Heather Warren lead worship the first and third Sunday of each month and Rev. Anthony Andres the second, fourth, and fifth (if needed) Sunday of each month. 


Community News

Father Tony's Birthday 
Wednesday, April 27, 2022